Lessons I’m Learning
March 15, 2024
Pain wants attention.
Any pain, internally or externally, in the mind, body, or spirit simply wants open awareness, free from judgment. It will dissipate slowly as you become aware of it, and eventually, you’ll forget it was ever your reality.
Presence is a state of being, not a goal to be achieved.
Breathe … feel your lungs expanding and retracting. The blood pumping through your veins. Become aware of the air hovering around your skin. The itch somewhere on your body. Hear the surrounding air humming and making noises you weren’t previously conscious of. Smile and take a moment to appreciate this present, for it’s a gift. Presence is always possible; simply slow down, observe, and breathe.
Lessons you avoid to learn will keep showing up.
It’s frustrating to be met with the same challenges over and over, the same thought patterns, and pressure points. These, however, are indicators of what your soul is trying to learn. Your present reality is a mirror of your internal world. If you don’t like your current reality, listen for repeating pain points within you and strive to shift internally first. The external will follow as you learn these lessons and grow from their teachings.
Don’t try to do things; actually do them.
The word “try” means nothing more than a future not yet achieved. When we use it to describe our deepest desires and goals, our brain has no intention of actually doing them; it will only and forever “try” to do them.
Ego will keep you where it’s comfortable, Soul will strive for growth.
Many times I’ve found myself thinking, “I don’t want to do (blank).” That whatever it is will be too hard, and I won’t like it. But had I tried it yet…no. Ego has been controlling my actions, living under my radar through emotions and thoughts that seemed to be my own. Ego wants protection, safety, and comfort. Growth and learning, where the Soul thrives, feel like death to Ego. So if you too find yourself pushing away ideas or inspiration because you simply “don’t want to do it” with no other actual reasons, chances are Ego is running your show. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just good to know when to ignore Ego and instead follow your Soul’s intuition toward the life you actually desire.
On a similar note, Ego will always catch up.
Pushing past Ego’s alarm bells does not mean death. It’s trying to protect its reality, not do what’s best for your Soul’s journey. So when you feel Ego in the driver’s seat, take the wheel and trust that Ego will again find a similar comfort in your new reality. And just maybe it’ll find an even better comfort, one more aligned with your Soul.
Meditating, reading, and learning are never a waste of time.
I know you’re busy. I know you have a million things to do, but you must find the time. Come home to yourself through meditation, reading every book you can, and leaning more into learning. Decorate your inner world with furniture, turn on some lights, set up the fireplace, and water a plant or two. Make it comfortable, warm, and safe to return to yourself when you need more love and support. These practices are mandatory for your growth, to stay awake in your reality, and to heal from a life well lived. No amount of time is too much time to spend on these pieces of presence.
Remember, working harder doesn’t create large wealth; your internal abundance, however, does.
I’m adding this one specifically for myself. Yes, you must take action externally, but without first having an unbreakable internal belief in your worthiness to become wealthy, you’ll never feel financially free, regardless of how much money you have. To bring more wealth in your life, you must align with the energy you’re wanting to attract. How can you feel wealthy, free, joyous, and secure in your present reality? Expanding the energies in your present Now that wealth will bring once you obtain it is the key.
People will always be confused by things they’ve never experienced or seen for themselves.
When working towards a life that goes beyond the typical “go to college, get a good job, and work for 40 years” layout, people will be confused. Anything they’ve never been able to obtain in their own lives will be hard for them to support, acknowledge, and trust. Gen Z adults are in a time like no other, where posting silly videos online equates to more income than the expected 9-to-5 job. We’re no longer desiring the path of those before us because we can see past it. For many people, though, this online world is very unknown, and the valid options we’re seeing may not be in their vocabulary for what’s correct or valuable. Keep pursuing the life you want, because once they see you do it, their minds will change.
Creation is always worth it.
In any form, creating something from nothing is worth your time and energy. Anything you desire to do, from pottery to painting, will bring you closer to your true divine creative energy and connect you to the Source within all of us. It’s a beautiful thing to see a blank, unused piece of paper, canvas, or instrument and decide to put a little piece of yourself into it. Inspiration is everywhere. Use it to create beauty, imagination, and love.
We are one.
There’s a line connecting all of us to everything. Stones, trees, birds, flowers, wind, water, people…all life. We’re one. Our collective consciousness brings any reality we believe to the forefront. If we believe a war will happen, it’ll happen, because we’ll allow it to happen. If we believe the government won’t care for us or our rights, they’ll continue to abuse their power because we’ll allow it. But if we were to believe that forests will grow back, animals will be protected, oceans will cool down, and our world will balance as one…then it just might happen because we’d collectively allow it to happen. We are one, we are powerful as one, and we must decide what collective thoughts we’d like to share as one. Life could be harmonious and beautiful if we let ourselves believe that our oneness is the solution.
I’m learning these lessons every day and have to remind myself of them constantly. Let yourself be curious about the possibility that these lessons could help your life. That by feeling these lessons and taking them as your own, you could continue growing beyond your comprehension. The lessons you’re meant to learn in this life may look very different from my own. You may have already learned these lessons long ago. But for me, these are the lessons consuming my mind, and I’m so grateful to learn from them all. My soul is expanding, and so now is yours.
Thanks for reading :)
xoxo, Ayla